There’s nothing quite as picturesque as vines delicately climbing the side of your home or the fence around your yard. As they climb, you get a natural, and beautiful green covering that provides your home and yard with shade and privacy. But the truth is, sometimes climbing vines can be very damaging to the structures they attach themselves to. So before you let the vines begin to grow, you need to make sure you know what you’re getting into. Here are the Do’s and Don’ts of growing fence friendly vines.
Do’s of Friendly Fence Vines
Do visit a nursery. When you go to a nursery you’ll get great info on the best type of vine for your fence as well as how to properly care for it. Just like your garden, your vine will need some TLC to keep it healthy and growing well enough to cover your fence.
Do know the best type of vine for your type of fence. Wood fences are tricky to grow vines on, because the vine’s moisture can easily cause damage. Structural damage is also an issue. If you have a wood fence and want to grow vines, go with something annual and non-woody. When it comes to metal fencing, you have many more options. Chain link and ornamental iron fencing can easily withstand wisteria, climbing hydrangea, rambling rose, or other strong, woody climbers that other fences wouldn’t be able to handle.
Do enjoy the beauty of a vine-covered fence, giving you privacy and a beautiful view. When done correctly, growing fence friendly vines are easy and well worth it.
Don’ts of Friendly Fence Vines
Don’t underestimate vines. Vines climb in order to to the light they need. They are extremely resourceful and will work hard to thrive. If that means holding tight to a structure, it will do it! This isn’t always a problem, but in some cases it may compromise a structure and bring it down.Vines can also be damaging to trees as they climb up and compete for resources. This may not be an issue if you solely keep vines to your fence, but be aware that they can easily grow and spread beyond your fence if you’re not keeping your vines in check. Know the type of vines you should stay away from — english ivy, wintercreeper, chocolate vine, and Japanese honeysuckle.
Don’t forget about pests. Another nuisance of getting the wrong type of vines that have grown out of control are the pests that come along with them. Especially when it comes to vines growing on your home, they can become a highway for pests to get into your home. This can lead to infestations and the need to hire a pest control company.
If you’re moving into an older home that already has vines on an existing fence, some of the “don’ts” may have already been done. If that’s the case, you may be better off replacing your fence rather than trying to restore the fence. If you are in need of a new fence, be sure to contact the experts at Outback Fencing.